Discover the captivating history of Greenville, IL as we begin with a visit to the DeMoulin Museum. Collector John Goldsmith will showcase the peculiar devices crafted by the DeMoulin Company in the late 1880s for fraternal organizations and lodge initiations. Then, journey into the world of cheese production at Marcoot Creamery, from milk to finished wheel, savoring delectable samples. Witness the creamery's inner workings, including the "calf barn" and milking parlor. Then, satisfy your palate with a delectable dinner at the Farmhouse Restaurant! Conclude your day at the picturesque Latzer Homestead in the Highland hills, once home to Louis Latzer, who founded the Helvetia(Pet) Milk Company in 1885. Explore this charming house, featuring one of the community's first telephones and running water.
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